The Photographer


Meet Nimal Perera

I am a professional photographer with a sharp eye for detail, angles and focus – honed over the last four decades as well as through my studies at an internationally recognized photography program in Covina California. I continue to attend workshops and classes to keep current and to expand my skills. 

I am a member and the official photographer for Upland, California Chamber of Commerce and  hold memberships with Professional Photographers of America , as well as Inland Empire Professional Photographers and videographers in California.

When it comes to photography the following comes to mind – love, joy, caring, sincere, emotions, laughter, connections, and family. I am passionate about capturing and documenting life’s precious moments to help them last a lifetime for my clients.

I put my heart and soul to my work and believe in working closely with you to ensure the end result exceeds your expectations.  

I tend to use natural light as much as practically possible to create unique and memorable images, that are not overly edited that stand the test of time.

I am an avid scuba diver and am in support of Ocean and other conservation efforts. 

I can't wait to talk to you to arrange a session you will preserve forever.

Please use the contact page below to connect with me.

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